It is often assumed that gays are ‘trendsetters’, early adopters and that they play an important role in the acceptance, use and early popularity of new products (and services). Also, that they lead a luxurious lifestyle.
Although it may be true that a few of the leading trendsetters are obviously (read: visibly) gay, does this hold true for the gay population in general?
a. Do you consider yourself to be a trendsetter?
In the straight population 11% considered themselves as a trendsetter against 21% of the gays.
b. Do you consider (some) gays to be trendsetters?
Gays (more so than heteros) consider other gays to be trendsetters (81%, against 67% of straights).
Conclusion: straight people consider themselves less of a trendsetter than gays, while gays (more so than heteros) consider other gays to be trendsetters.
To the second part of this question
do you feel you lead a luxury lifestyle?
roughly 75% of both groups did not think this.
To assume that (most) gays are trendsetters seems to unrealistic. The luxury lifestyle also seems to be a myth, although this may be a matter of perception.
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